Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sample Blog

Hi All,

Hope you all have had the opportunity to participate in the Children/Young Adult Literature online module. This module will help you prepare for the exciting blogs to come.

A colleague of mine Dr. Robin Jocius, teaches a literature course and her students have written blogs that can be a great example for your work. I am including a link to one of the posts to give you an idea of what one of your blogs could look like.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Welcome to the Integrated Literacy Blog! In this blog students will share and evaluate texts based on their own interests. This blog also serves as a means of assisting teachers who are trying to integrate literacy into a variety of disciplines. The purpose of this blog is to highlight texts that could be used in math, science, social studies, and a variety of other areas. We believe that literacy should be a major component of the classroom regardless of discipline! We hope you enjoy!