Tuesday, April 26, 2016

City of Thieves

Reader Response: An action packed story that I could not put down for a minute. Seeing the evolution of this relationship between two total strangers over the course of one week was nerve wrecking. With a knife fight, some cannibals, and a war boss to take on, Lev has had an adventurous week. I fell in love with the characters and watched Lev change so much in just a few short days because of this incredible adventure he and Kolya had to endure. I did love to see how everything tied together in the end.

Evaluator Response: An incredible coming of age story that will keep your nose in the book. Perfect for young adults who are interested in action packed stories that will keep the anticipation going. The sarcasm that is tossed about in this sudden bromance will keep readers laughing nonstop. The steamy affairs that take place throughout the story will be enough to make even the toughest reader blush a little. Then watching it all make sense in the end will make it that much more enjoyable. 

Teacher Response: This historical fiction piece is an excellent way to incorporate a little bit of fun into a unit of World War II. For some of our young men who are very interested in action and less interested in what is going on in class, this is something that will build investment. For the young ladies that love a good story of friendship and (and girl drama), this will build investment for them as well. This will give them the viewpoint of people who are living during the time of the war. It can also be used to write some very controversial essays. 

Literacy Coach Response: This novel is filled with copious amounts of vivid vocabulary that will contribute to state test prep. It is perfect for high school students and advanced middle school students with a Lexile of 910.There are multiple climactic moments in the text that will keep the attention of readers for long periods of time. The book can be used to cover a variety of writing topics and has a series of common core standards that can be paired with it. Be sure to inform parents before you start reading it with student. Parents may respond like the ones talked about here

1 comment:

  1. The arguments that arise from the legitimacy of such a book in the classroom is interesting. Thank you for sharing the link. The book does seem to capture a great deal of drama, but also seems quite rich in psychological nuances. It is important to expose our students to a wide variety of literature. When this literature connects to a particular time in world history--it is all the more important that they can naturally make the links from the story's reality and the reality of the times. The classroom teacher has the right idea about education, exposure, and introducing students to new perspectives. Choosing such a story which is action filled and friendship centered is a always a great option, and has the potential to appeal to a wide variety of student interests.
